
My name is Barbara (she/her)

Some of my favourite activities are playing the violin, pub-quizzes and knitting (also: making lists)

Currently, I am working on becoming a Web Developer

violin yarn bubble-corner


During the studies for my BSc Economics at SOAS, University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies), I learned to:

  • Research new topics in collaboration as well as independently.
  • Solve real-life problems analytically through abstract models.
  • Understand the causes and societal cost of unequal opportunities and unused potential, as well as international development issues, incentives and interactions between individuals, businesses and societies.
  • Enjoy the international environment and diversity of ideas from teachers and peers, around 50% of us being international, from all walks of life, cultures, ages, classes and personal identities.
  • Value the creativity and brain power that can be sparked through respectful, open-minded dialogue.

Discovering Coding through a coincidental advert for the Google Grasshopper app felt:

  • Immediately comfortable and logical.
  • Like lightning struck – why had no one shown me this at school?
  • Inviting – I had always assumed it a secret club for teenage boys.
  • Exciting to imagine the life-hacks I might learn to create with a few lines of code!
  • Like a path to get my life unstuck.

Personal Values

Through improving my coding skills, I hope to:

  • Contribute in preparing us for a better future.
  • Play an active part in fully digitising society, opening it up to less tech-savvy consumers.
  • Support people and organisations already on that path, lend my brain-power to “good tech”.

I wish to contribute to technology that enables people to thrive and is:

  • Accessible & Inclusive: affordable/free, proactively non-biased, open to all physical and learning abilities.
  • Sustainable: anticipating impacts on the environment, society, mental and physical health.
  • Responsible: consensual, considerate of data and consumer protection, protecting vulnerable groups, preventing misinformation.
  • Supportive: strengthening community spirit and personal wellness (financial, physical, emotional).
  • Bridging opportunity gaps.
  • Solving everyday problems for ordinary people.
  • Easing decision fatigue and the burden of emotional labour, especially for women and underfunded communities.


If I could learn the coding skills to solve 4 life problems through apps...

  • All available for free, because £1 can be an access barrier.
  • Information provided by certified professionals in the relevant fields.
  • Use of assistive (voice) technologies.
  • Guaranteed data protection – this is tech to serve its users, not exploit them.

Completed Projects

Beethoven Bootcamp

Covid-19 has been a lonely time for passionate amateur orchestra players (especially us thriving in the second row)...

So what do you do when your fingers tingle and the feet tap a rhythm?

Step 1: Choose your preferred key signature:
Step 2: Recommended movements from Beethoven Symphonies:

With links to IMSLP and YouTube (please respect copyright)

Coding Goals

What I hope to work on next

Improve on:

  • Design Creativity
  • Using JavaScript in real context
  • How does a Pop-up work?
  • Using Terminal and Version Control
    • Return to previous versions
    • Use different branches
  • Collaboration
    • Plan Projects
    • Pair Programming
    • GitHub

New skills:

  • Standards for Visual Design & UX
  • Standards for Accessibility and Assistive Technologies
  • Frameworks
    • Bootstrap
  • Libraries
  • Databases
  • Prepare for Coding Interviews
  • Land a Developer job

Why Founders and Coders

The Structure of the Course and Apprenticeship would provide the invaluable:

  • broad coverage of my coding goals.
  • guidance on technical employer interviews during the Pre-apprenticeship that could help overcome my confidence issues.
  • financial security and peace of mind to fully immerse myself in the Bootcamp.
  • full package of Bootcamp, certification and 1-2 years of experience to set me on the career path I would enjoy.

A place in this upcoming Cohort 22 in Autumn 2021:

  • Participating in the Coaching Programme has already felt like a Bootcamp.
  • Working in the Dragonfly Study Group, we already had several fantastic "aha!" moments.
  • The last weeks supercharged my progress, motivation and gave me more support and confidence on the path to being a developer than I could have imagined.
  • It would be an absolute privilege to continue growing in tandem, to keep up the pace, have some progress accountability and explore collaborating on projects and GitHub.
  • It would be exciting and immensely valuable to be able to mix my analytical problem-solving aptitude with the fantastic visual design creativity of my fellow current coachees.
  • While creating this website, I already considered several times how tasks might have been shared with partners.

To continue as part of the community:

  • It felt safe to be invited to an environment that values mutual supportiveness over competitiveness. Collaborating with people with different life experiences is an opportunity to learn, not a complication!
  • The special emphasis on pastoral care and respectful and encouraging communication has made a lasting impact on how I wish to conduct teamwork, with values and inter-personal dynamics I will be more proactive in fostering in work environments going forward.
  • Already, I have greatly benefited from countless alumni and feel inspired to continue carrying the torch of mentoring. Because I am convinced that coding could be a path for others to get themselves out of much stickier life situations than mine.
  • I would be especially excited to be involved in workshops for complete beginners – writing first HTML in a text editor or starting the first Codepen.


Thank you for reading my story and considering my application to the upcoming Founders and Coders Cohort 22!
You can view my completed course requirements and other coding endeavours on:

GitHub Profile This Repository FCC Codewars Codepen Repl.it